Well I'd like to describe what has so far been today as crap, but that would imply something actually bad happened. Nothing bad has happened really.
I woke up with horrible cramps that hd carried over from the late-night before. (It makes lots of sense why my body was telling me to stay home now) I grabbed the painkillers, of which I can only take one away and headed right for the bath. Feeling better I got through my seminar and a group meeting and hit the library. Basically I spent about three hours working in the library and feel like I got nothing done. I took out books, took some notes, found some articles, but really I feel no more prepared for another group meeting tomorrow with a different group. And the cramps had come back. I was also rediculously hungry because at about 2:00 I realized all I had consumed since I woke up was a yogurt mini-drink thing.
I am now at home in a sleeping dress (short, lowcut, stripes, stretchy) with a pillow, blanket and hot-water bottle, and in my comfortable chair. I've also washed my make-up off. I've got chips and mayo beside me and juice. The recent wilco CD is playing and the heat is on maximum. I want to be comfortable.
The groud was covered in a sheet of snow this morning and it has all melted, but is still on and off snowing. I have another book to read before noon tomorrow and some conclusions to draw. I also intend on going to the film quiz tonight and want to feel better by then.
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
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Well I hope that you start feeling better.
Man I wish my work day was over. I've been so exhausted at work lately. Ah well I have to head home to take the dog out at lunch, so my wife doesn't hurt her knee anymore than she already has.
Thanks, I know I'll feel physically better by tomorrow. The mental stress though will only be lessened after a presentation is made on Tuesday.
What kind of dog do you have?
(am I allowed to be asking the questions here?)
It's your blog, you can do what you want with it!
We have a Shiba Inu.
Huh?? You say??
It's a Japanesse dog, it's one of the ancient breeds. If you look them up online you can find the Shiba Inu site, has lots of information.
They come in three different colors, black, red and an orangish/reddish with black. Ours is the latter. I'll actually post a picture of him one day, once I have one handy. He's very cute, he's like a small husky, but with fox coloration.
Anyway, feel free to ask away.
super cute dogs. I miss animals. I have abonadoned reading and am crafting instead. I can be such a bad student sometimes.
This isn't my actual dog but this is pretty much what he looks like. They are very cute dogs. But he's terrible with other dogs and he still has his hunters instincts.
i.e. Every time I take him out, he chases all the deer, birds, and squirrels away so I don't get a close look at them.
That's okay, I was always a bad student, and I turned out alright. I suppose. Now I just have to convince the wife that that is the case.
ok, I juust made my self look quite good in like 5 minutes because my ride is on it's way and I didn't think it'd be here for another hour or so.
My hair actually looks great considering it's been in a bun and unbrushed since this morning.
Good vibes for hot boys into films and me, please.
Hope you're done work sooner than later.
Have Fun!!!
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