Ok. I am really smashed so excuse my tyuping.
1. I FLIRRETED WITH 3 boys tonight.
2. I had two mottos: My life is sponsored by H&M and I am standing on my knees. I had a third that I tod to Dakota but we both forgot.
3. I felt amazing the whole evening.
4. Stripedcoat and I got two free lighters out of a mchine just by baninging it. that sounds way more dirty than it is. really.
5. I had good chips with good amyo,
65. I have to wash my amke up off. Therfe will be more details tomorrow and I am going to eat the rest of my chips and sleep.
7. I am glad I can tell classclown I acutally ewnt out.
8. I feel stunning. and sexy and worth flirting with.
9. A boy had taken out his mobile but I left before he could ask me for my number''
10. There was a hot boy working at the bar of the first club and I knew him but I didn't know where.
11. I always come home wanting for be fucked after nights like this but don't have the co-ordination to do it myself. I end up falling asleep with the vibe betereen my legs and drain the fucking batteries.
12, when ever some on e ssumes I'm american I'm going to say "I'm melting! I'm meltin g" like in the wizard of oz. very tragic and fucking hilaroius.
13. I boy named jack with tatoos and pirercings bought me a shot of tequila and thank go dit didn;t make me trow up.
14. Classclown told me earlier today that he had to "wee" beofre we went to Sainsbury's and I repsoneded by saying iot was ok and that I didn;'t think less of him because of it.
15. I'm seriously goiung to end this post, finish my ships , wash my make upo off, and slide into my warm and unfortunately man free bed.
16. I suc essfully flirted with 3!!!!!!! boys tonight. one of whic I am likely to see again. I think I alreadyn said this but I am really proud.
17. When I eventually get laid I expect tons...I I mean TONS of congradulatory comments.
18. I appreciate the comkmment on the last post but I don;t thinn k I am yet that confident. and this must be making you laughing like mad now.
19. Boys, read the qiestion in the last post and fucking comment. bloddy hell really.'
20. everyone agrees Imy accent has reverteedd and I am shit at brit accents.
ok. I am serious. chips \, makeup, bed. GOod night my lovely readers.
Thursday, April 28, 2005
What I needed.
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it was actually coherant! and my favourite is number 65!! hope the hangover is okay, next time stay for the phone number giving. xoxo diandra. (p.s. i dont know why boys say that... and when they dont say shit like that, when they have a girlfriend, andreally should mention her to deter you, it really fucking pisses me off!.. why am i still angry? xoxo)
ha ha ha. oops!
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