Saturday, January 13, 2007


Well yesterday I posted about the funeral because I freaked out and couldn't go. It was awful and I was a huge mess. I don't know where the post went though.

I'm feeling better today though. Dinner last night was awesome and instead of dancing everyone just went home. FIlmmaker came home with me even though he had to be up at 5:00 this morning. We won't be seeing each other again until he finishes editing the movie he's shooting today. That's Tuesday or Wednesday, which sucks. I am getting very used to this sex thing.

But him and Mirandas man totally talked and a friend of Midges was there and she was awesome to get to know better. It was just really nice. And everyone kept saying how nice I looked. I got fun gifts and there's some gifts that I will get later. It's nice to have them spread out a bit.

That's it. just a bit of fast stuff. I am going to buy some yarn today and go to the sex show with Miranda. I must not spend a lot of money but I need to buy a few things.

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