Reasons my day isn't a complete piece of shit:
1. Humous was on sale.
2. I got fcuk silver liquid eyeliner for 4 pounds.
3. I got a present for a friend delivered.
4. I love the city.
5. Sainsbury's has clean toilets.
6. I'll get a free mac lipstick in a few weeks.
Reasons my day is making my want to curl up and die:
1. My pitas got over microwaved and are like cardboard on one side and soggy on the other.
2. My flatmates are inconsiderate, dirty bitches. (I want to say twats because it sounds mean but I don't want to associate them with a body part I love so much.
3. I just spend 15 minutes sobbing incontrolably over nothing.
4. I want my uterus to fuck off becasue I never do anything but good for it and it is making every single part of my body sore.
5. My jeans are ripping and I don't want to buy new ones because I feel fat and unworthy of nice clothes. (this will go away tomorrow though)
6. I just want someone to give me a hug and I have no one to do so. (I know there are a feww people out there who would though)
7. Moments like this make me feel like lonliness and mental instability are going to always be present in my world.
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
mixed feelings
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(virtual hug)
Here's me hoping that the rest of your evening goes well.
I'm so tired again today. I think I may need to change my diet. But that might mean cutting out fat and greese and all that good stuff. Mmmm greesy, fatty food.
Damn, now I made myself hungry, I think I'll take my lunch break now and maybe update my blog again today, seeing I've been such a slacker lately.
Thank you.
If you eat the right kind of fatty stuff and in moderation it's not that bad for you and if you've got lots of good stuff it evens out.
I'm guessing three slices of Meat Lover's pizza isn't going to do wonders for my health. :)
no, but thin crust, easy on the cheese, one type of meat and some veggies is much better while still getting the pizza fix.
Well I didn't have that for left overs so I just went with the really greasy (enough to make you quesy greasy) meat lovers.
Tonight hopefully we'll eat much better. We might go out for dinner tonight with another couple.
Probably not. I'll probably order something incredibly unhealthy and enjoy ever last minute of it.
On the plus side I'm getting much better at not consuming everything that is put in front of my face.
Healthy food can be sooo good though.
And this is coming from a girl who had her issues with crisps and chocolate milk. balance I say.
Although now I'm cursing myself for not buying anything sweet other than chocolate digestives (white chocolate chip cookies, apple fritters, ice cream all come quickly to mind).
I guess I can consider myself lucky that I can hardly bear to walk into the kitchen no matter Sainsbury's.
All this talk of food is making me horny...err I mean hungry, yah that's it. Hungry.
You're allowed to be both at once.
See now I'm thinking about licking food off of someone. See what you've done!!!
I still have hours of work to go and a 0 percent chance of licking food off of anyone when I get home. ARGH!
I was so not the one who brought up sex here.
What I've done. pfft.
You're right.
I'm always blaming someone else.
Anyway, how is you're evening going?
I'm feeling better. not to eager to leave my chair despite feeling hungry though. I watched some more of "the L word" nothing much. Deciding now whether to read or procrastinate more.
I know which I should pick.
Procrastinate! Procrastinate!
The longer you wait, the better your fate!
I'm copying craft patterns so you were right about what I chose. I will read before the day is out though.
Could be far worse I suppose. :)
are you trying to get me distracted?
(ok, ya, maybe I read into things, but I'm feeling kind of better now.)
I've been trying to distract you for a while now. :)
See at work, I can't check internet based e-mail, but I can blog all I want. So this is how I comminucate with the world, during working hours. :)
I was going to sound appaled that amongst all my pain you just wanted a sex post, but I think I made that up myself.
My room is really warm but the heat is off. ok. to draw more patterns.
You totally made that up yourself, I mean even reading between the (write a sex post) lines, I'm not sure how you CAME to that (please write a sex post) conclusion.
I'm appalled that you think that I even implied (sex post now please) that in any of my posts.
I'm so glad to know you wouldn't overlook my agony in order to get a bit of indirect sexual stimulation.
I need chocolate.
Plus, you surely don't want to hear about a less than enthusiastic therapy wank.
I could go for some chocolate myself.
No chocolate in my future, oh wait, let me check my wallet. I have a single dollar bill and could go to the vending machine and buy a chocolate bar, but that chocolate isn't that good, and I really don't need it.
Thank you, Sal. I know some people can but it's always nice to be reassured.
Delgar, not buying chocolate is a good step to the healthy eating thing. See, you can do it.
This is me heading to the vending machine to buy chocolate. Mmmm chocolate, yummy.
HEY!!! You even said it asn't good chocolate. If you're craving something and then you get it in a substandard form it just makes the craving worse!
At least that's how I feel.
This is me enjoying a substandard chocolate bar.
You can't really get good chocolate here in the states. It's almost an impossiblity. So, I'll have to settle for 280 calories of fatty goodness. :)
Whatever satisfies you I guess. Who am I to argue.
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