I so should have went out yesterday. I am very crampy today despite piankillers last night and this morning. But, alas, I have crap to do. I just have to be extra careful to not buy stuff. Hard because I feel better when I purchase (I know I'm a pathetic consumer, blah blah blah, hate me), Easy because I feel retarded bloated and I tend not to find H&M mirrors too flattering. I also have to buy something for dinner which is a bit dangerous when I'm sore and don't want to cook. Oh, well.
I'm going to put some make-up on and head out. At least we're getting a bit of sun and blue sky. I'll probably be back in atwo or three hours. Won't be a long outing that's for sure.
Edited to Add: I don't have nough cash to get on the bus but I'm still going. I just have to go into the little town first to get some cash. I can also get some breakfast there and see if I can get my hair cut. I was going to not get it cut and just let it grow but it's starting to fall out like mad. This, from experience, is my hair's way of telling me to take care of it and get it cut. Listen I shall because handfulls of hair whenever I wake, take a shower, brush my hair is not cool. (I bet I'm so sexy now.)
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
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Well I hope things go well for you today. I know what it's like to be all crampy. Not from my own personal experience, but my ex-girlfriend used have really sevre menstral cramps. Without prescription medication she was almost unable to function. Even on pain killers that time of the month was extremely hard on her.
I kept trying to convince her that lots of orgasms was the way to go, but she wouldn't go for it. She really didn't want me touching her down there at those times. Although I did manage to do it a few times. It definately doesn't bother me.
Okay I've now provided WAY too much information. I'll be on my way now. :)
Orgasms make me feel better when it's just cramps, but when the whole body aching sets in I physically can not get up the strength or energy to do it myself. Lucky she had you around when she'd let you.
I started with the TMI (too much info) so you are ok to continue it. And it's nice to have you back around.
Somebody missed me. :)
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