I wanted to write, now that I am feeling more coherant than I was earlier today, about classclown. Now I know I shouldn't be wanting to write about him, but I do. And it's not because I have a crush on him. really. I don't. really.
So on Thursday I left the fun lecture a bit later than everyone for who knows what reason. As I was leaving the building and I saw him talking to his friend who will now be referred to as Adonis. They were talking so I just walked past them because I don't really think I'm their friend and I'm weird like that.
But then I hear classclown call my name and come running towards me asking if I'm walking home. I asnwer positively and he joins me. As we're walking he volunteers, without any prompting, information about the situation with his current "girlfriend". Basically he won't stop sleeping with other people as well as her and he thinks she's stupid and lacks respect for her because, even though she's said if he's seeing other people he can't sleep with her, she knows he's still seeing other girls, but she still sleeps with him. I agree that she is stupid for continuing, but that doesn't make him any better for keeping her around just so he can have consistant sex. It all seems a little high-school to me, but I am in uni so who knows.
We also talked briefly about his interest in girl-on-girl situations where I, without saying much because he has a big mouth, basically say that it's a generic and slightly uninspired fantasy to have. I also find out that he simply can not understand how two guys together can be hot (for those of you who didn't know, it is) and I just rolled my eyes as if I'm so much more experienced and mature.
We get to his door and he asks when I'm going to Sainsbury's. I say 5-10 minutes and he says he'll come with. We set a time to meet outside his. As I turn and walk to my flat I'm cursing myself because all I was intending to buy was crisps and chocolate milk to get me through paper writing and now I totally can't. So I freak a bit and meat him outside where he compliments me on my punctuality.
We talk and walk all the way to Sainsbury's. I spontaneously divulge what my shopping list was but end up buying a mix of healthy stuff to make up for it. He tells me more about a girl he's seeing that he dated during the summer and hasn't seen her since and talks a bit about his gap year. He finds out I'm a vegetarian and says he doesn't like tofu. He talk randomly throughout the who shop. We walk by the musy peas and I comment on how I think it's werid and don't get it. I end up with a can of them and chips in my basket because that, he tells me, is how to eat the musy peas. He flirts with the girl at the till and she totally falls for it. I smile and watch. We laugh on the way out about how she liked him.
I think the thing I find interesting about him is that he's not all that hot, or does he have a great body or whatever. He really gets by mostly on his charm. On the way home he tells me about his large family and his relationship with his sisters and brothers and I share back a bit. We part at his door again wishing each other luck on our respective studying that night.
The next day we saw eachother in our department lab he comes over after a while to say hello and see if my paper is done. I ask him how his test that morning went. Later I borrow a pen from him because I'm a dork and didn't bring one to class. He doesn't go to the lecture that day. I likely won't see him again until April.
I don't really know what to say. Sometimes he says exactly what I expect and other times he surprises me. He doesn't ask all that many questions so sometimes I think he just walks with me because I let him talk and he likes to hear his own voice. I think I laugh too much and don't make any eye contact. The process of making friends is weird. I'm still learning how to do it.
Sunday, March 20, 2005
Unexpected Reactions
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You're an excellent storyteller. Making new friends is awkward, you sometimes just don't know what to say or do. I feel that if you don't have an immediate connection with a person, whether it be something in common, or the ability to carry a conversation without having to think of something to say, then exploring that relationship might be difficult. Also I don't think anyone should act differently around different people, naturally it happens, but I try to be consistent with my actions and words, and it bothers me to see people do that. Well, you keep writing and I'll keep reading. Let me know if my comments are unwanted, I'll stop. It's too bad you won't be in North America for long, I guess you are planning to stay in the UK for a long time. Safe travels.
I think the thing with him is that we do talk really seamlessly and easily and are very relaxed with each other. He's just not the sort of person I'd become friends with at home so I wasn't expecting it.
Although, I don't really make friends at home unless they're a friend of a friend and I get to know them that way because I have plenty of great friends at home.
Why do you say stuff about people acting differently around different people? I'm not sure how that fits into the story.
Comments are not unwanted and if they are I'll let you know. I'll be back in Canada for two years probably. I really have no idea after bby MA is done here after those two years. Too far away to think about really.
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