Monday, July 11, 2005

Blabbering, pt 2

this is an audio post - click to play

thought completion: about half the people in my life are single but they strike me as more easily coupled/laid than me for whatever stupid reason.

extra note: I am lazy (typing with one hand even) but didn't want to make a third rambling post about nothing.

regret: I should have said more about things with Midge (completely fine) but I didn't. I think it falls in the "too sensitive to be said aloud" category and will be written soon. I will also ignore that she will actually read whatever I type because it's only fair to the rest of you. and her, really. BUt it is all good stuff if only with a bit of wondering.

1 comment:

Delgar said...

I haven't had a chance to listen yet, but I will when I get home. :)