Things that are true about last night but could lead to wrong ideas about my night:
1. Stripedcoat and I kissed.
2. I slept with Dakota
3. I felt a random guys cock.
I got home this morning about an hour ago after walking home from Dakota's where I stayed last night. I was hot and sweaty from walking and the muggy weather and I slept in my shirt and dancing was crazy so I wass all hot then too. I felt really kind of gross and was very glad I didn't run into classclown outside our flats. I just stripped when I got in my room and went and had a shower. It wasn't entirely cold but just barely warm - luke warm maybe. I feel better now though.
So last night we started with dinner at Wagamamas which was great as always. I was looking very cute in a yellow shirt with an abstract purple design on it, purple crochet armwarmers and scarf, jeans and bably blue mary janes and purse. My hair was tied up in to pigtails, but insteada of being horizontal they were vertical (one of my fave ways to have my hair) and shimery purple eye makeup.
At dinner I found out that lily and scotsman weren't going out after the film. I also found out that Dakota and Stripedcoat weren't going to the film but out instead. After making sure it was all cool, I ended up not seeing the film and going out instead. Dakota and I left the restaurant before everyone else and walked down to the square in the city center and sat on a bench and people watched and chatted for a bit. Soon cheapdrunk and her boyfriend met us as did Stripedcoat and his friend who was visiting from Manchester.
After some discussion we went to the bar we go to a lot but after not finding seats after two rounds I declared I was unhappy getting drunk somewhere where sitting or dancing was not an option so we moved on. The next stop was a vodka bar where I flirted with a guy ahead of us in the queue. Dakota and I shared a pitcher of Blue Lagoon (Vodka, blue curacoa, lemon juice and lemonade (sprite for all the north americans). While waiting for the pitcher and then while drinking it stuff was going down with Stripedcoat and I.
It started with talk of porn preferences and evolvment of them. The turned to him touching me, like lightly rubbing my arm or my back as we talked. I felt really good last night in general. Like I was totally happy with how I looked and felt really comfortable and confident that I was hot. It was good. Anyway, we sat down on the couches we had miraculously found empty when we first got there. there was laughing and drinking and more touching. It was full of things that were potentially inappropriate but niether of us was bothered.
We were talking seriously though to an extent about me being really sexy in a way he knew I knew but didn't trust, which is very true. He was staring very liberally at my tits which, considering the very low cut neck on my shirt, were on full and I'll admit purposeful display. He went on a bit about how he thought gay men were really good at going down on both genders but his justification of the statement was not something I understood or remembered. He brought up kissing me again and I half tried to explain but couldn't really as it was a loud and crowded bar and I was kind of drunk by now. We did end up kissing a few times but nothing major or obvious. He left really early (11:00?) because it friend was super smashed and was nearly falling asleep.
I'm not sure what I think about the kissing thing. My ego was massivly stroked by it, but I'm not into just kissing for the sake of it. I did talk a bit in an even drunker state to Dakota who is of the opinion it's just fun and has herself made out with him before. I'm trying not to worry or make a fuss about it. I did think while I was having my shower that maybe despite how temporary my life is, I really just want to be involved with someone that I have the potential to maybe fall in love with. I don't think I really like feeling that way and I'm not sure if it's entirely true but there it is. I did tell stripedcoat that my hesitations to kissing him were not because of him, but that I'd be that way with anyone but I don't know if he understood that. He left on good terms though (with another kiss even) and I highly doubt if our next meeting will be awkward in any way.
Dakota and I stayed at that bar until Cheapdrunk and her boyfriend left and until it closed. We weren't sure where to go next. There is a major indie night on Saturdays but the last few weeks she had been there it wasn't very good. We ended up queuing and firting with boys some more for another bar but when we were told cover was 6.00 we left. We ended up at the bar we were at on Thursday and paid 5.00 to get in but it was great. Funk stuff upstairs and indie downstairs. Crowded and fun.
We drank more, danced tons, had a very drunk discussion to sort out our sexual orientations with each other (she's bi) and flirted more with guys. The dance floor was packed. We kept getting our asses grabbed but were throughly enjoying the random touching. It was hardly avoidable it was so busy. She apologized at one point for hitting my tits as we danced but I said I hadn't noticed so she did it more obviously to show me. Then I told her I was used to having my breasts groped openly by friends so it was ok. She laughed and said something that lead to me gabbing her tits and her doing it back. guy noticed and started flirting madly with her. It was so funny. At one point a guy was behind me and I don't know if it was purposeful or just due to the lack of space, but his hard cock was being grinded against my ass. I couldn't tell you what the guy looked like and it was only for a minute or so but after I was done being shocked I was very giggley about it.
We left there just beofre closing and hit a place for chips and walked back to Dakotas. She asked if I wanted to stay cause her's is closer to town and taking a taxi on my own would have been expensive. I'll admit to having some fleeting thoughts of a bit of girl-girl making out but nothing happened. We were close in her single bed, but very innocent.
So that was the night. It was really good and I feel really good about myself today. I don't feel very alert or energetic, but my mind and emotional-self is doing very well.
Sunday, May 01, 2005
Cold Shower
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