So I have this friend. I have mentioned her a bunch of times. She's the only one in my life who knows about the blog and where it is. She told me the other day she checks it before her email sometimes. So today we were on MSN and she was wondering if she's get a name becasue she usually just refferd do as a friend. I said sure. Then a bit later she asked if her name could be "Midge" becasue it's ugly. I said ok and there it is.
Anyways Midge wants me to post much of the conversation we had today so here it is. Be amused. We were both laughing. And we often talk about more than one thing at once. I also might edit out some sections just becasue it's long and we're not always interesting. ALso I don't have conversations like this with all my friends. She's special. I've also tried to put it into paragraphs so it's easier to read but it was hard. Oh, this is very long so get a snack.
me: um, maybe weirdly personal question.
her: youth hostels are expensive!
me: are you picky about lube?
me: not compared to hotels
her: yep. must be very watery
me: really?
her: i have some sticky stuff right now that clings and i hate it.
me: hmmm. I have one that's watery and I hate it
her: yeah, the less sticky the less likely to get an infection, im finding.
her: hmmmmm. interesting.
her: sweet, hostel in hagoya for 2000yen a night. not bad.
me: hmmm. I'm really not liking this one and it has glycerine in it which I've often heard can casue issues. I'm trying to find out if the ones I've liked have had it.
me:I'm still not god with converitng the yens
her: hmmm. have you used oh my?
her: $20cdn.
me: ya, I had a bunch of samples and liked it. I'm adoring a durex brand rigth now though
her: i love oh my... but cant buy it here.
me: you should be able to order it.
her: hmm. i didnt know durex made lube. but that makes sense.
her:hmmm. it's okay. i'd honestly rather have the experience of trying different japanese lubes. ha ha.
me: ya, it's from their new line that also now makes sex toys which one of the drugstores here are going to start carrying soon
me: I understand. That's how I got stuck with some I hate
her:that's awesome. silicone right.
me: I'm not sure I haven't looked at them. I'll do so now though
me: they're very "ergonomic" and "female-sensitive" if either of those make any sense
her:hmm. im gonna look now. but yes, makes sense.
me: it's their play line
her: that's what i thought. they're pretty.
me: they are
me: and only one is for penetration. smart
her: very smart.
me: so far I can't tell what they're made of
her: hmm. they should really say something. it bugs me that its not an issue..
me: I'm doubting that it is silicone then.
me: well I emailed them about their lube ingredients so if they answer me I'll ask them.
her: sounds good.
me: they're expensive. they should be made of silicone at their price.
her: possibly. i like their "theory" its a better base.
me: what theory?
her: just sex as fun.
her: more about consent, figuring out what you like. just their preamble.
me: ya, I skipped it. but just the way the descrptions are done and the packaging is all good.
her: very much so
me: I did notice their lube preamble though which I like
her: hmmm. i will read that. i so want the little gem
me: it's cute. all the tongue like toys are usually sooo creepy
me: ok, they have a section on male anal play. so good
her: ooooh!
her: hey, when im in nagoya a canadian first nations rap group will perform. huzzah!
me: cool. who is it?
her: warparty from alberta. bad name. but well, they're about the politics so i wont complain about lack of taste.
me: I saw them with kinny star at the folk fest last year. they were pretty good.
me: ok, the site suggests sandpaper as a accessory in foreplay. I am so storing that for future use
her: hm. so exciting! ah, i love durex. its making me hot just reading about sticking my fingers in someones ass.. ooh, and the pictures of the women arent all perfect.. i mean, this girl is skinny, but she has back fat, and a not-so-perfect ass. love love.
her: that sounds good.
me: I know. I love them now too. ahh. we so need people
her: many many people.
me: haha
her: i also realized how much i fantasize about cock, but then i get back to vancouver i want to hunt for those without cocks, or both.
me: have you abandoned searching in Japan?
her: kinda.
her: if it happens, it happens?
me: I see
her: i dont want to get stressed about it anymore. honestly, xxxx was the only option, in my mind, and still kinda an option, but i dont think he'll cheat on his girlfriend.
me: probably for the best in a way imo.
me:I'm still wondering what if anything dakota was thinking the other night. hmmm.
her: what?
me: when I ended up staying at hers
her: i totally missed something.
her: im stupid. sorry.
me: it's likely my thoughts in overdrive and all the random ass grabbing at the bar and kissing stripedcoat didn't help
me: I might be being cryptic
me: am I?
her: i dont think so....
her: everyone is cryptic then.
me: plus we were dancing together and grabbing each others tits. Nothing happened at her's but walking back I was wondering
me: although one thing I will say for durex is that they are very het focused
her: that's true.... but, well, i think gay people have incredible sex and that het ppl need to catch up. ha ha. such misconceptions rot my brain.
me: I think just the whole weekend was odd.
her: but, you're feeling better about it now?
me: I don't know. There's some really uptight gay pepole
her: ha ha. true.
her: im asking xxxx his honest gay opinion right now.
me:When I was walking home with classclown I said "this weekend I've kiised a gay friend, grabbed a bi girls tits, but all I want is a normal boyfriend"
me: haha
her: that's awesome.
her: xxxx says gay b/c they know what they like and are able to do it to their partners.
me: but it's true in a silly and sentimental way. He didn't really know what to say and was I think kind of schocked but then he said it made him think good things about me
me: but not everyone likes the same thing
her: i know! sex is way more picky than just orientation. yay for classclown for saying that!
me: I think he just thought it was hot that I touched a girls tits
me: but yes, I do agree
me:and he rememered stripedcoat from when I mentioned him like 2 months ago when we first met
her: maybe our friend classclown is crushing?
me: I doubt
her: hmmmm, really? do you think its true that men are easy?
me: are both questions related to classclown?
me: and I don't think classclown would go for me.
me: but you know, I don't know what type he does go for, I just assume they are easy and wear short skirts.
me: that's so awful of me
her: no, i just read that men are easy. i mean. supposedly all we do is have to be more forward. and they always think of women in a sexual way.
her: no, not awful.
me: yes, I think they are easy but they are also picky.
her: that's true.
me: so like if you meet their standards their easy but otherwise not.
her: hmmm, i think classclown would go for you.. but again, i dont know classclown well, and he'd just be an idiot.. have you seen any pictures of his girlfriend? ugly men try harder...
her:that's true. and i HATE THAT>
her: ooh, global sex survey?
me: me too. no. he doesn't have a girlfriend according to himself. severe denial and he's going to end up with a really distressed girl when he leaves at end of term.
me: so interesting.
me: and what do you mean "he'd just be an idiot"?
her: if he didnt go for you.
me: her name is xxxx though
me: I might not see him again after our exams. I would like to exchange emails with him.
me: plus he talks to me about the girl he wants to pull who works at sainsbury's.
her: you should. does he live in (where I live now).
her: ha ha. he wants to pull her! so funny. i love the progression of that story.
me: I will admit though that there is lots of flirting and sexual content now. we're both still a bit weary though.
me: no, up north of manchester
me: very north of manchester
her: hmmm. maybe you can go to north of manchester.
her: very very north of manchester.
me: I am going to manchester I hope with Lily.
her: yaya!
me: also last time we were at Sainsbury's we were talking about van and he said he had family there and that if he went to see them he could see me and I said he could and I'd take him out and get him smashed.
me: but I was disappointed a bit that classclown didn't show up to our last lecture on friday.
her: hmmm.
her: wonder why?
me: becasue I have problems
me: and my imagination runs away from me
her: ha ha.
me: or do you want to hear that it's becasue I like him?
me: I don't know if I could admit that
her: what every you want.. im more curious why he wasnt there.
her: not why you think he's not there. if that makes any sense. ha ha.
me: becasue he doesn't come to many of the lectures since she threw a bottle at him
her: you dont have to admit it if you dont want to.
me: I might when the exam is over and I know I won't see him again
her: ha ha. good idea.
me: does it matter why he wasn't there?
her: no, just curious.
her: maybe he was finally getting rid of that girl or something.
me: I doubt it. without he he doesn't have a reliable source of sex. and that came out of his mouth.
her: hmm. so he's all show then?
me: I haven't worked that out yet.
her: this boy is so interestiing.
me: so interesting
me: especially with the losing virginity stuff the other day and then asking me. wierd
me: and when I was out with Dakota I was being a loser and totally hoping we'd run into him just so that he would see that I have friends and I go out and shit.
me: and he went to the bar becasue I said I always go to that one.
me: he went with a girl though.
her: he so likes you.
me: you think?
her: well, im bad at this. i thought xxxx liked me, remember?
me: ok, that so shouldn't have been what I said
her: i love you! you're so cute and fabulous.
me: ya, see. maybe it's just that charming boy automatic flirting thing.
me: I did tell you about him asking me if I thought he was charming right?
her: perhaps........ hmm. nope.
me: oh, well after we left sainsb's where he flirted with the teller he was saying how she was responding and I was agreeing and laughing then he asked if I thought he was charming and I said yes, but somehow ended up saying I knew that type and we got to talking about if he was actually sincere.
me: fuck.
her: what?
me: I just might like him
me: bloody hell
her: ha ha ha! you're incredible.. i love you!!!
me: it's so not good
her: why not?
me: because it's silly. It's always silly.
her: ah, its good silly.
me: I may now understand that I'm fun to flirt wit but I'm still wondering if I'm good for more.
me:confidence in stages.
me: and it's him and he's charming and insincere and not into relationships and likes cheese
her: for sure.
her: ha ha.
me: cheese as in bad pop music. not the dairy product
her: oh..
her: i thought you meant like romantic cheese.
me: haha
me: I'm like so laughing aloud.
me: He's probably really sweet to girls, so he might be.
her: im laughing aloug too. good sign.
me: very good
her: maybe before he goes to manchester you should tell him about the blog and then see if he'll come visit you..
her: hmm?
me: so not good. I think I'm posted too many wanking things to tell him about it.
me: and some might be about him.
her: ha ha.
her: so true! im laughing so hard. i love you!
me: ok, and visit me where?
her: anywhere with good fucking space?
me: oh, he also joked the other day about how he had a small cock which was funnny
me: haha
me: I think I'm blushing now too
me: and when he left the bar on thursday he did ask if I was heading back to hom and not the other guy who lives near us that was also there.
her: hmmmmm?
her: oh love! this sounds so good.
me: see, now if I was actually going to see him again I'd read into everything. but I am not.
me: no, not good. charming boy who dislikes relationships. and on said walk home talks about his non-girlfriend who's meeting one of his best mates that night.
her: ah. so difficult! do you think you will every see him again?
me: at the exam. if we'll talk is another thing.
me: or if I run into him around here but that's just a chance thing.
me: or the summer party, if both of us end up going
her: hmmm.
her: so, you might have to scrap it. do you know his last name?
me: yup. and I could fin out his uni email really easily because of it
me: I think I have to scrap it either way
her: you should find his uni email... ask him a question about the test.
me: classclown doesn't know shit about the test
her: hmm. maybe you can offer a "private tutorial"
me: I actually think hes better at it than me but he's not doing any work this term so it's that kind of thing. it would be retarded if I asked him.
me: I could email him after the exam if I don't talk to him then to give him my email. that might seem not creepy.
me: I want to go out
me: and I still think I want to make out with stripedcoat.
me: and people expect me to read when I have these kinds of porblems in my head. blah!
her: no one expects you to read.
me: oh, no the cute and dorky phd student with a girlfriend expects me to read
me: and that matters
me: the reading is for a paper he's marking
her: yes, its very important to impress hot tas.
me: too true
her: ah, brain fart.
me: ?
her: i hate when you think too much and then you just cant think anymore.
me: ya. I'm feeling tired. all this thinking about boys...
God, when the two of us are next in a room together it will be October and I can only imagine the chaos that will ensue. It'll be fun and I love her. I'm going to go make dinner now. gosh, that is really long. Hope someone enjoyed it. Both of us enjoyed having the conversation whcih was actually much longer than this.
Saturday, May 07, 2005
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it was four hours long! minus a chocolate milk break. on my part.
mmm, chocolate milk.
Well I'm impressed you stuck through it and I hope it was at least an enjoyable four hours.
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