Monday, October 23, 2006


I think I'm going to start writing here again. I've just been feeling like I need it recently.

Since I last wrote some things have really changed.

1. I moved again. I now live by myself and it's nice.

2. I love school and am going to take another course next summer.

3. I'm insanely insecure about everything.

4. I'm not drinking at all. I want to though and that makes me uncomfortable.

5. I want to go out and meet people but I feel paralyzed.

6. A new "Cast of Characters" needs to be made. A version 2 or something.

I'm going to leave it there for now. I have several things I need to work out and will likely be posting fairly often. I just don't feel like myself in some ways. But it's more than that. I don't trust anything. My friendships, my skills, my instincts. nothing.

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