Tuesday, July 17, 2007

low to the ground

Facebook is kind of sad. I feel slow and alone. As long as I'm at school and distracted I'm ok, but a few minutes to think and I'm just not in a good space. I'm struggling with HK Inc and working there. I really want to quit but feel so responsible for training someone to replace me, and making sure that person is good. I know it not my responsibility but they have been really good to me over the years. I also need to formalize what's going to happen at the spa in terms of hours and wage.

I just don't know what I REALLY need. I guess I know what's working in my life right now, I know what isn't, but I have no goal. Nothing concrete. Maybe I do in some ways, but not one big overall vision. I don't even know if that's true. hmm. I'm tired.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've been looking at flights to Vancouver and they're much much cheaper tan I expected- around £400 for a return! I found some amazingly cheap website, they probably catapult you there but there you go. Me and the boy (who has family in vancouver) are thinking of coming next spring!