Tuesday, July 17, 2007


outside. not in me. I can't say I'm all sunshine and roses, but I've calmed down a bit I think. I do think I really need to get into some one-on-one counselling. I think it's a mix of depressive habits, grief, and self-esteem/security issues, so I don't really think a group setting would work. I have to figure something out to pay for it, but I think even 4-6 appointments would help a bit.

that's all I really have to say. I was going to straighten my hair for school today but now that it's raining out I don't think I'm going to bother. And I got a nice message on Facebook from one of my make-up teachers. I'm also a bit overwhelmed by a particular craft project but I'm just going to keep working at it and go with the flow. or try at least.

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