Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Today I had a bath and realized I didn't want to be in there for the normal soap-required cleaning reasons. I just wanted to hear the noise of the water and feel the pressure of the shower head and to feel refreshed or something. It was a reason other than actually washing my self.

Dreams last night were of Italy with Lily and the woman I stay with while in London. Her son was there too. We went out and got so wonderfully drunk I couldn't remember getting back to our hotel room at all. It was blissfully wonderful. It made me feel happy.

I also dreamed about having a conversation with someone I didn't know but they thought because their father had died they knew what I was feeling. I realized that I am almost glad that I didn't have the truth of hospital visits as would have happened if I returned earlier. I came back suddenly and was in a haze of un-reality. I'm still there really. It was a strange feeling to realize this in a dream.

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