Sunday, January 22, 2006


Titani and Chatton and I all went to a party last night. We all drank (I drank my own bottle of french wine quickly) and gossiped and just generally had tons of fun. I feel good this morning. We met a bunch of people and reconnected with some and it was just one of those nights where your faith is kind of restored.

I was reassured that most people don't think I'm a lesbian. I also asked IceHockey if he'd give me some basic guitar lessons but I was drinking ad forgot to see if he replied. Titania saw that he replied when she was shutting the computer down but couldn't remember what he said. We'll see if that goes anywhere.

The final thing is badness: none of my clothes fit. Seriously. I have to get back to running and eating less processed foods. I have one pair of jeans that fit but they are actually a bit too big and make me feel crap except for when they're freshly clean. I've basically been wearing skirts and yoga pants as a result. Luckily I don't have a job or something to dress properly for.

Must go get ready to go out with Titania.

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