Saturday, April 08, 2006


I just had a bath and it sucked. I feel like it still have soap on me but there wasn't much I could do about it. This morning my foot hurts a lot and the bruising is coming through. So far it's lightly along the top of my foot, an area that wasn't swollen until this morning, and about 3 inches up my leg from my ankle. It's gross.

Chatton came home last night and brought me flowers. I'm not sure if I should talk to her about why I feel so emotionally down. I mean it's not her fault or anything she can change. We'll see.

Today Titania and my mom are going to be finishing emptying the old house. I am going with them but who knows how helpful I'll be able to be. I haven't been using my crutches around the house but I should be and when I do it means I've got no spare hands.

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