Saturday, November 25, 2006

Closer to the roots

Orange and I talked a lot tonight as usual. Here's some notes.

1. If I really liked someone it wouldn't matter at all what shoes he wore.

2. I want to feel excited about the guy I'm dating.

3. I want to go on more first dates.

4. I am going to go on a second date with the filmmaker.

5. I do have some reservations about the Filmmakers personality.

6. He seems to be a lot more interested in me than I am in him.

7. He's called me "dear" and that's not really cool with me at this point.

8. I am feeling conflicted on dating vs. relationship.

9. I want dating to meet different kinds of people and see what is out there.

10. I want relationship for intimacy and sex.

11. I want a guy to add to my life, not just fit into it.

That's all for today. I am going to try to knit a bit and watch some late night tv.

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