Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Tonight he asked me this as he was leaving: "Have you been in a really bad relationship, or is this just how you are in new relationships?"

1. I'm feeling like the Filmmaker might be running out of patience.

2. I think I'm running out of patience.

3. I think I need to put forth more effort, and not just expect things to happen.

3.5. Or I need trust my lack of excitement be my indicator to end things.

4. I don't know what whould make me more excited.

5. "Moments" make me nervous and I destroy them.

6. Orange says I have to tell the whole truth.

7. There's so much going on in my head.

8. I don't know if he's the problem or I am. I suspect both is the real answer.

9. I want this to be fun and simple.

10. Should Christmas gifts be exchanged by now?

11. A draft email will be written.

12. I feel like I should know how to do this and stupid that I don't.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not necessarily the whole truth but I think it's good to share your feelings with someone you're dating.