Saturday, December 09, 2006


This sounds kind of silly to say/write, but I feel really sexy today. It's a combination of my hair and what I was wearing and just a general feeling. I don't really have a place to express it though. It will remain just something for myself though.

It's weird remebering what it's like to have someone else touch you. I had got kind of used to being without it but just a tiny hint of it brings it all flooding back. And while I may not be excited about seeing the Filmmaker, I am certainly excited by what dating again could bring.

Next week I'm going to have a mini-party at home and am going out drinking (really) with everyone from school. I'm excited about both.

But I really would like to be excited about someone I could call, invite over and then have my way with for a little while.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

to me it sounds like you're going to be having your way with anyone you want anytime you want-->soon!