Sunday, July 17, 2005

In my sleep

On Friday night I dreamed something about me telling Titania not to wear kitten heel shoes to The Festival and it hurt her and she was damaged and crying and hurt and I was being agressive and uncaring.

Last night was different. There was Titania and a boy and something sexual seemed to be going on between us or about to but we were a bit weird about it because we weren't sure what it meant for our friendship. Then the boy liked me and thought that when I was talking to someone else about liking someone I meant him. I left where he lived one day and we kisses very stragely and awkwardly and exchanged numbers. He wanted to drive me home but I felt uncomfortable about that.

I have to go but I was putting on make up a\nd doing my hair and it occured to me that I'm not quite alternative enough for guys who are into that but also not quite standard/average/normal/whatever enough for guys who aren't. I love NIN but also The Be good Tanyas and I am seriously lusting after every coach bag I see but can go weeks without shaving my legs. I'll think about this idea though becasue I'm not sure it's entirely true.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i walked past the glittering coach store last night. it sure lifted my spirits and made me exclaim, "fuck! i so love stuff!" xoxo midge.