Wednesday, February 09, 2005

I can't stop

A preliminary: I never knew I would love this style of life as much as I do. I really didn't know I could constantly be this happy and satisfied. It's not that I was constantly depressed before, it's just that I am so good now.

A preliminary: If I ever say anything here about how I am interpreting someones signals as to whether they're interested in me or not and you think I'm off base, write a comment or send me an email. I also don't want the crap 'maybe he'll change his mind' shit. I don't like that. I'd rather try to get over it than dwell. But if I'm not seeing something that's obvious point it out.

Paul called me and asked if I wanted to help him put some flyers in the halls around campus so I went out and we just wandered around the campus talking. It was nice. The only weird thing was that he mentioned a few girls who were also his friends but made specific points of saying how fit (pretty) they were. It was like a side note to a larger story, and not really out of place. The thing is I'm not really sure how to respond. If I knew the girl I could give my opinion, but I didn't.

We also ran into someone from our lecture and a girl who was quite fit walked by and the other guy commented and they agreed. Then at least I could say "boys are so easily distracted, but yes she is." It makes me feel wierd otherwise. I'm not sure why. I just don't know why it was said or what, if anything, it means. It kind of makes me feel like he's saying I'm not, but I think that's just me being paranoid. I just don't know.

I've been munching on crisps all afternoon so I should go and make a real dinner. I also have to start my reading.

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