Saturday, May 07, 2005

A whole day

I just realized I didn't post yesterday so I think it's the first day I have not posted without a "I'm on vacation" post before hand. I had no reason for not posting. I've been reading and crafting and just hanging out. The only thing exciting was yesterday is that I wore a skirt and felt cute when I was out. Today is another chilled out day. I just had some ice cream for breakfast and I need to start reading soon.

There's really nothing going on for me right now. I am thinking that when I get home and have a mobile again I might do the occasional audio-post. If I did would anyone listen to them? It won't be until July sometime but if no ones interested I might just not. We'll see.

My sex drive has totally mellowed since the beginning of the week. I guess the excitement of flirting with everyone and the possibility of making out has once again faded from my world. It's not like I need those things to happen to get me going but they were helping. I'm just feeling a bit neutral about it all and I have other thigns to worry about right now.

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