Friday, March 25, 2005

afternoon attractions

I don't know if it's the peeks of sun coming in through my window, the fact that I love my hair this straight or that I am getting lots of school work AND crafting done on the same day but I am feeling good. And not just happier-than-yesterday good. I might even take an afternoon wanking break once this craft project is done and before dinner. I think I deserve it and I still have another book I need to get read today. I've done two already though.

That's it really. iTunes is picking prefect songs. And I was wiping off my shelf in the fridge because my soy milk leaked. Doing so I noticed that the persons shelf below mine wasn't very full, and I do have the smallest shelf in terms of height, so I moved my shelf down so I have more room now! It's not that exciting but it makes me happy.

I need stuff (buttons) to finish off this project but that requires a trip to the city. I also forgot something I needed there last week so I need to go in anyways. I can only do it when all my research is done though and I have money again. I can't put buttons on a credit card. I also want to pick up some yarn to make something for someone at home. But I have to finish another project I've been neglecting because it is a well deserved gift. I need blank CD's too. I want to back up some of my music and pictures. I have over 1000 pictures on my computer and I could really use some of that space to help the thing go just a bit faster.

Enough of me going on about shopiing and crafting. Still no menstrual cup in the mail either. boo on that.

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